

Brand Storytelling Strategy

What does your brand need to tell (and to whom)?

Just like a master chef prepares a meal, we start by carefully selecting the right ingredients for your brand. This means identifying your target audience, understanding their needs and motivations, and figuring out which aspects of your brand are most compelling to them.

Once we have these ingredients in place, we get to work on creating a unique and mouth-watering Brand-Story that will capture the attention of your audience and set you apart from the competition.

Our approach to storytelling is all about activating the emotional needs and desires of your customers, creating a connection that goes beyond mere transactions.

With all these ingredients in place, we will be able to create the relevant story that you must tell to your audience.

So if you’re ready to spice up your brand’s narrative and leave a lasting impression on your audience, let us use our cooking techniques in your storytelling.

What does the Brand Storytelling Strategy include?:

Brand Audience: Who is the Brand-Story aimed at?

Brand Identity: The brand’s values, vision, mission, purpose and personality.

Brand Story: An engaging Brand-Story consistent with the brand’s values and personality, able
  to connect emotionally with the audience.

Brand Evolution: The vision and direction of the brand’s future.

Brand Media Plan: The most suitable media and channels to tell the Brand-Story, considering the target
  audience and the brand’s objectives.

Digital Marketing Plan

How to tell your “Brand-Story” in an impactful way?

Our Digital Marketing Plan takes a comprehensive approach that blends analytical rigor with creative innovation to bring your Brand Story to life and enhance your online presence.

We begin by conducting a thorough evaluation of your brand’s current digital presence across web, social media, and ads, to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Next, we perform a detailed analysis of your main competitors’ digital presence to understand the broader market context.

Using the insights gathered from these evaluations, we define specific, measurable objectives with corresponding KPIs. With these objectives in mind, we create a content strategy that maximizes your brand’s visibility in search engines, a social media strategy that increases engagement with your audience, and an advertising strategy that drives conversions. All to enhance your brand’s digital footprint.

At our Digital Marketing Plan, we are committed to delivering results that matter. Let us help you tell your brand’s story in a way that captures attention, drives engagement, and builds lasting relationships with your customers.

What does our Digital Marketing Plan include?:

Digital Brand and competitive analysis

• Goals & KPI’s

• Content Strategy: A content plan that addresses both web and digital media for search
  engine positioning.

Social Media Strategy: A comprehensive plan to define the platforms in which to have a presence, the
  function of each one, its tone and a high-impact content guide.

Ads Strategy: A plan that covers the channels and strategies to carry out effective and profitable
  advertising strategies.

Brand Storytelling Design

How does your brand should look and feel?

Brand Storytelling Design is a creative process that seamlessly blends storytelling with design strategy to provide consumers with a unique and memorable experience.

It encompasses the creation of a complete visual design system, from the development of the visual identity to the design of complex marketing materials, enabling brands to communicate their message more effectively, leading to a stronger emotional connection with their audience.

All these elements are specifically tailored to reflect the brand’s story, tone, style, and purpose, resulting in a cohesive and impactful visual identity that accurately represents the brand’s essence.

What does the Brand Storytelling Design include?:

• Brand Identity: Visual identity development (complete or partial, tailor-made to each client’s needs).

Storytelling Brand Book: A step-by-step visual guide on how to use each Brand Identity tool in the
  storytelling of your brand.

• Web Design (Optional)

• Packaging Design (Optional)

• Store Design (Optional)

Marketing Suppliers Managment

How to deal with your partners without going crazy?

One of the biggest challenges of managing a marketing department is handling the day-to-day interactions with your agencies and content providers. Crafting detailed briefs, overseeing each project, and ensuring quality control can be a major drain on your time and energy.

At The Brand Cuisine, we specialize in managing the complex process of working with your suppliers and taking care of the details, so your team can focus on the big picture. Our customizable plans are tailored to meet your specific needs and budget, reducing the stress and friction that can arise when dealing with multiple partners.

Let us help you manage your marketing suppliers effectively, so you can focus on what really matters – building your brand and growing your business.

What can your Marketing Suppliers Management include?:

• Strategy/Marketing Presentations

• Project Brief Development

• Content Project Management

• Campaigns/Content Quality Control

• Evaluation and Selection of Agencies and Suppliers